Version Release Notes

Release Date: 5/9/2013

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software release on 5/9/2013.

Accounts Payable Release Notes

Applicant List Release Notes

Check Reconciliation Release Notes

Fixed Assets Release Notes

FSS Release Notes

Inspections Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Payroll Release Notes

Scribe Release Notes

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord Release Notes

TenDocs Release Notes

Accounts Payable

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have added the following reports and their corresponding data source in Scribe: Accrued AP, Invoice Account Distribution, Open Invoice Account Distribution, and Payables Invoice Account Distribution. (Case 5800)

Applicant List

WinTen² Program Version:

Bug Reports

1. On the Household tab of the Applicant Detail screen, the Member # fields would not renumber correctly if you added or deleted a member or if you clicked the Renumber Household icon. This has been corrected. (Case 7116)
2. If you used one of the wizards to process an applicant on the Maintain Applicant screen, the program would sometimes skip to a different applicant. This has been corrected. (Case 8259)

Check Reconciliation

WinTen² Program Version:

Bug Reports

1. If you edited a date on an old deposit item, it could sometimes cause other items that were already posted to show as un-posted. This has been corrected. (Case 3662)
2. The first columns of the Positive Pay file were not being populated with the bank account number. This has been corrected. (Case 8082)

Fixed Assets

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have added the Fixed Assets data source in Scribe. (Case 2639)
2. To enhance support for certain historical reports, the program now tracks changes to the Asset Account for each asset. (Case 8289)

Bug Reports

1. An error would occur if you previewed the Posted Depreciation Report and then saved or printed it. This has been corrected. (Case 8029)
2. The sort order was incorrect on various reports if you chose a Group By report option. This has been corrected. (Case 8211)


WinTen²⁺ Program Version:

Bug Report

1. As you processed cases on the FSS Case List screen, the program would sometimes incorrectly change certain values, including income and rent. This has been corrected. One part of this problem was caused by a data synchronization with Tenant Accounts Receivable that occurred each time you viewed a case on the FSS Case screen. This data synchronization is no longer needed, so we have removed it. (Cases 8233 and 8282)


WinTen²⁺ Program Version:


1. On the Schedule Inspections screen, in the grid on the left side, we have changed the Case Worker column to show the case worker from the Occupancy and Rent Calculation (ORC) program, instead of from the Tenant Accounts Receivable program. This change ensures more up-to-date information, especially for clients who use the Transfer Caseload function in ORC. (Case 7879)

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

WinTen² Program Version:


1. You can now create batch interim certifications by selecting from a list of active tenants. The Batch Add Certifications wizard, available from the Browse Certifications screen, now has the option to "Batch Add Certifications by Tenant Selection." (The previous batch-add option is still available and is now labeled "Batch Add Certifications by Next Re-exam Date.") (Case 7811)
2. We have added the Re-Exam Report in Scribe, which includes the option to report across multiple data areas. (Case 7829)

Bug Reports

1. For Homeownership tenants, an error would sometimes occur in rent calculations when the Contract Rent was less than the calculated Housing Assistance Payment. This has been corrected. (Case 7932)
2. The Transfer Caseload function, available from the Default Settings tab of the Setup screen, would correctly update caseworker IDs, but it failed to update caseworker names. This in turn caused the caseworker to be incorrect on certain Scribe reports and form letters. This has been corrected. (Case 8050)


WinTen² Program Version:


1. For leave-time used that is processed through the Process Checks wizard, your agency can now choose to have the leave post as of the pay period ending date, instead of on the processing date. We have added a policy in Setup to enable this: PrLeavAc (Post leave by pay period end date). If this policy is True, leave used will post as of the pay period ending date. (This policy is False by default, in which case leave used will post as of the processing date, as it has in the past.) (Case 6935)

Note: This enhancement applies only to leave processed through the Process Checks wizard, not to leave entered manually on the Maintain Employee screen.

Bug Reports

1. An error related to rounding variance on time sheet distribution sometimes caused payroll amounts to be incorrect for some employees. Any rounding variance was being added to the last profile in the employee’s distribution, even if there were no hours assigned to that profile. This has been corrected, so that any rounding variance is now added to the profile with the most hours. (Case 3827)
2. In the Process Checks wizard, if you changed the Period Ending Date for Monthly employees, the program ignored your change and processed those checks using the default Period Ending Date. This in turn caused an error in ledger posting in some situations. This has been corrected. (Case 3958)


WinTen²⁺ Program Version:

Bug Report

1. For Scribe reports with image files embedded in the design, the images would intermittently fail to appear when you ran the report. The embedded images could be PDFs, TIFFs, JPEGs, or any other image format. This has been corrected. (Case 7728)

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have added the option for your agency to prorate the admin fee you bill for outgoing portability tenants. We have added two policies in Setup to support this enhancement. PrAdmFee (Use Pro-Rated Admin Fee) is a True/False policy; set it to True to prorate these admin fees. If that policy is True, the PrAdmAmt (Amount of Pro-Rated Admin Fee) policy lets you set the percentage amount to prorate. (Case 8016)
2. We have added column totals to the Voucher UML/HAP tab of the VMS Adjustments screen and to the print and print preview of that screen. (Case 7108)

Bug Reports

1. The Housing Unit Report, available from the Maintain Unit screen, would sometimes cut off unit and owner address fields if those field values were especially long. This has been corrected. (Case 7840)
2. If you voided a check from a previous fiscal year, the void would post to the current fiscal year's GL account, instead of to the prior fiscal year's account. This has been corrected. (Case 6261)


WinTen²⁺ Program Version:

Bug Report

1. In TenDocs Quick Load for WinTen²⁺, the searches for household members and for vendors would return both active (current) and inactive (history) records. This has been corrected to return only active records. (Case 8125)

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An MRI Software Company